Based on EDD, my pregnancy will be last on 6th Sept..roughly about 4-5weeks to go from now..i feel a little bit nervous..I never hold a baby before..can i??do i have enough energy for labour?? cyst if fine???..blood test showed that my ion llevel drop from 11.1 to 8.8 which is below the normal..and the midwife ask me to take ion tablet 3 times perday instead of i will be ok??there is another test on 13rd august..wish me luck with the Fe level..
About the air asia ticket that has been bought before..we didnt get refund..air asia just play around even they say i could get refund if i provide the dr letters previously..mmg nasib tak menyebelahi..tak dpt nak balik beraya this year..however..hepi sgt sbb this year insyaallah akan raya ber-3..ehehehe..
Sbb hepi..heni aku buat kelas masakan utk adik iparku..menunya adalah murtabak sheffild..
Daging (dicincang) - about 500g
Rempah kari - 3 1/2 sudu besar
Minyak - 3 sudu besar
Bawang besar - 3 ulas dihiris
Telur - 5 Biji
Kulit popia - ikut bp bijik bleh dapat murtabak
Matikan air daging, sampai agak kering.Masukkan minyak dlm daging + rempah kari + sedikit air..masakkan rempah kari..bila rempah dah masak, masukkan bawang hirisan.bila bwg dah lembik, masukkan telur..and buat bentuk kotak..then masukkan dlm kulit popia..then goreng dengan minyak sedikit..siap.. dia murtabak sheffield..
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